

Episode 9

Topic: MakePrayers 

Bible Text: Romans 12:1-2

 Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of your Word. Open thou the eyes of my understanding that I may see you clearly.

Teaching(Knowing the truth)


_Make us over Again Jesus_ _Amen_ Have you ever gone to a house you used to know but was so shocked because of what they did to the place? This was my own experience when I revisited a church we attended when we were kids. As I went inside the compound, I didn't know where the main entrance of the church was anymore because there were so many doors.

Wow, the church was now so big and beautiful. The Altar was no longer where it used to be and their services were now more organized and systematic. Indeed I became a novice in own home. The church didn't just go through an expansion and renovation, it went through a completely clean up. And they sure cleaned up well. Apostle Paul in our passage was drawing the attention of the Roman Church for the need of a Make Over. He began by admonishing them to present themselves to God as living sacrifice and when that is done, they also need to do a complete sweep. And this is how he puts it

"Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect."

 _Romans 12:2 ERV_ As I was looking at this scripture, I asked some questions and one of such was, why was the Apostle admonishing them not to be conformed to the stand of the world? He realized that, it is possible for one to be born again but still posses the standard of the world because he/she is still in the world. He was ignorant that one can believe in Jesus and is baptized but yet struggle with the conformity to the world. Because he himself has had his own share of the struggle between knowing the good but doing the bad. He said, the good I want to do, I don't do but I find myself doing the wrong I don't want to do. So, with this experience, he stands a better chance talking to the Roman Church because at this point he was speaking both revelation and experience. In his struggles, he found out the secret to a victorious Christian living - Christ on the inside doing the transformation. So in other words, he was telling them that, after being saved, offering yourselves to God as a living sacrifice, you no longer need to continue doing what you used to do. You need a make over. Give you a new way of doing things. The world is a system, and when we say do not continue or conform to the world, we are not only talking about sin. The are:

* The world has a way of thinking - me, myself and I (selfishness).
* The world has a way of behavior - oppressing the poor, taking advantage of the weak and helpless. The world is troublesome, returning evil for evil. Some people would say, I don't look for trouble o, but if you look for mine first, I would show you who I am. Anty, that's the world's system.
* The world is too hateful for no reason. It is wicked, lying in wait for the next victim. * The world is full of deceit, lies and dishonesty. In business, they just wants to prosper at the expense of the buyer.
* The world is full of anger, lust, pride, envy, gossip, just to mention a few. All these were the things you once did or enjoyed before you met Christ, you don't need that anymore. Let it be that those who knew you back then, would be so shocked when they meet you now. That although you still look your you, you've been transformed. You don't talk, act, reason, respond, walk, work like the former you anymore.

Transformation is challenging and demanding. When I visited childhood church, I said they must have spent a lot. Not just money but time and hard work. The same it is with transformation. It's not going to be easy and an instantaneous event but a progressive experience. God will meet you just as you are, but it is wrong to remain the way you were.

Be ye TRANSFORMED Let God do a complete Make OVER in your life Grace to You!

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Chimeremeze Nwaorisah Immanuel also known as Chyme Nwa-Immanuel who hails from Nkwerre in Imo State is not only a passionate Worshipper and a song writer; but He is also Pastor who would stop at nothing to see Jesus exalted and glorified.

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