

Episode 8


Topic: RIGHTEOUS? No not One.

Bible text- James 2:1-13


Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of your Word. Open thou the eyes of my understanding that I may see you clearly.

Teaching(Knowing the truth)

RIGHTEOUS? No not One.

My younger brother was so wonderful and a handful when he was much younger. Oh, how I wanted him to so perfect like his elder brother (the prefect me) and all of those but he was the opposite.
One day, he did something so bad to me. He went where I asked him never to go again and he lied to me also. I was so mad and felt like raining thunder and brimstones on him. I was like, "let him get back I would kill, destroy, iwyegeuwiwueefe". While I was still planning on how I would deal with him, I heard the soft voice saying to me, "How many times have you done what I asked you not to do again? How many times have you gone back to the things you cried repeatedly that you would NEVER go back to?", and the Lord asked me the last question that broke me to pieces. He asked, "and with all your failures, Have I killed, destroyed or dealt with you?"
In the world we live in today, a lot of us has forgotten about our experience with Grace. We now live as if we are what we are or we have what we have by the level of our righteousness.
I've also seen people and heard people who say that some certain things can never happen because they are not sinners, that they are righteous and I begin to wonder, where is this one coming from? Has this person had time to read his/her Bible? What level of ignorance and arrogance?
James 2:10 is one of those scriptures that has humbled me.
It says *"Now whoever has observed the whole law, yet who offends in one matter, has become guilty of all."*
_James 2:10 CPDV_
After my experience with my brother, the Lord further gave me this passage to study. As I studied it, I was so ashamed that I couldn't raise my head, my hands became weak and I couldn't help cry for my own self.
Uncle Holiness, yes you that is so quick to tell or hit that weak Christian struggling with sexual immorality, how righteous are you? Yes, you may not be struggling with sexual immorality, but how honest is your speech? Are there no issues you've told God that you wouldn't do again but yet repeatedly you're doing it?
Even if there's none, did you become this wonderful overnight?
Sir, how's your walk with God? Are there no issues that the Holy Spirit has been struggling over with you? Let's talk about gossiping? What about jealousy? Hatred? Malice? Anger? Do you forgive easily? Lust for money? Greed?
Sir/ma, you bottle all this inside you and yet you are quick to judge, and strike someone whose struggles are on the outside.
John 8:1-11, showed us a great lesson to learn. In the passage, the Pharisees and the Scribes (the very righteous pastors and theologians) brought a woman caught in the very act of Adultery to be condemned to death.
I have so many questions for these people, how did they know she was going to commit adultery? That they all gathered, waiting to catch her in the very act..
But that aspect is for another day. My concern today is the fact that, Jesus said to them "let him without sin, be the first to cast a stone". In other words, he said, let the righteous person cast the first stone. Not even the Pastors or Theologians could cast a stone.
By way of conclusion, who were you before Grace found you? And who would you be if Mercy stop speaking for you?

Drop that hammer, you too need forgiveness.
Grace to You!

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Chimeremeze Nwaorisah Immanuel also known as Chyme Nwa-Immanuel who hails from Nkwerre in Imo State is not only a passionate Worshipper and a song writer; but He is also Pastor who would stop at nothing to see Jesus exalted and glorified.

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