We, the members of SHALOM PRAISE, are a group of love, peace, and harmony. Through our music we resolve to maintain songs of praise and adoration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Be it resolved, we are a nondenominational group, and no individual shall be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, parental status, disability, or the inability to pay dues.
We further resolve to strive as a group towards brotherly and sisterly love bound together by our devotion to God and dedication to the uplifting of his name in song.
Therefore, we hereby establish The Gospel Group SHALOM PRAISE at walewale.
The name of this group shall be SHALOME PRAISE, WALEWALE.
The purpose of said group is:
To uplift the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through gospel music.
To preserve and promote the unique art form of gospel music.
To reach out to the campus community.
To uphold the ideals and principles of SHALOM PRAISE.
Section 1: Membership
Membership is extended to all believers and to other interested persons by appointment. No one will be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, parental status, disability.
Members consist of all those whom have filled out a membership form
Members must comply with all BY-LAWS set forth by the group.
No hazing or discrimination will be used as a condition of membership in this group.
Section 2: Revocation of Membership
Membership may be revoked without mutual agreement for non-participation, misconduct, or violations of any provisions of the Constitution. The member will be notified in writing of the possible revocation at least 72 hours prior to the vote and will be allowed to address the group in order to relate to members any relevant defense prior to the voting for removal. Membership can only be revoked upon a 2/3 majority vote of eligible members (those who have attended 2/3 of meetings). Revocation of membership will be valid for three (3) mouths.
Section 3: Appeal Process
Any group member whose membership is revoked will have seven (7) days to appeal the revocation. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the President and Secretary, and must include any relevant information that has not already been presented. The President will then submit it to the group. The group will then render a decision at the next general body meeting or in seven (7) days, whichever occurs first.
The Executive Board shall consist of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Executive Board shall meet at least twice a month. The Executive Board shall act upon all matters related to the group SHALOM PRAISE.
To be a candidate for the Offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary, one must be in full membership of the group for three (3) mouths and must have attended the last 3 consecutive meetings prior to the election.
The method of selection of the officers shall be by election or nomination.
The terms of the office shall commence from one handing over to the following handing over. The election of officers shall be held the last Thursday in December. The term of office is two year from the date of election. The handing over shall take place two weeks after election.
Any officer may be removed from office upon a 2/3 majority vote of eligible members of the Executive Board (those who have attended 2/3 of the Executive Board meetings). The officer will be notified in writing of the possible termination or removal at least 72 hours prior to the vote and will be allowed to address the group in order to relate to members any relevant defense prior to the voting for removal.
Officers no longer wishing to serve on the board must submit their resignation to the President at least two (2) weeks in advance. Prior to the officers final day he/she shall provide all documents relating to the group and brief his/her replacement of current projects in his/her care.
The President shall be the chief executive officer.
He shall preside at all regular or called meetings unless he delegates such function to another officer or appropriate member.
He shall administer and exercise general supervision of all functions of the group and the Gospel Group members.
The President shall preside over all regular and called Board meetings.
The President shall sign bank transactions.
The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his absence.
He shall attend all meetings of the group and hold himself in readiness.
The Vice-President shall develop and administer programs subject to the approval of the President and shall have other duties necessary for the execution of the office.
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer and as such shall attend all regular and called meetings.
The Treasurer shall collect and receive all the income and revenue of the group.
The Treasurer shall pay all assessments payable and make only such other expenditures as authorized by the President.
He shall deposit all funds. All banking transactions will require two signatures; the Treasurer and the President.
The Treasurer shall keep proper and detailed accounts of all daily transactions which are subject to audit. All accounts and other papers and evidence of property belonging to the group shall not be delivered out of his possession, except on an order of the group.
On the day of the regular meeting of the group, the treasurer shall balance his accounts of receipts and expenditures showing the balance in the treasury.
The treasurer shall make a full, complete written financial report to the group twice every year.
The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for keeping a correct classified list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all officers and members.
He shall be responsible for all correspondence of the group concerning engagements and invitations.
The Musician shall have some knowledge of gospel music as it pertains to his instrument. He must be willing to devote at least two hours of his time in rehearsal with the group.
The Director shall have knowledge and skill of directing gospel music. He must be willing to devote at least two hours of his time in rehearsal with the group.
The Musician shall attend all meetings and be prepared to practice with the group at each rehearsal. He shall be an honorary member of the Executive Board.
The Musician must have a cooperative working relationship with the Director in the selection of songs that are appropriate for the group.
The Director shall attend all meetings and be prepared to practice with the group at each rehearsal. He shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board.
The Director must have a cooperative working relationship with the Executive Board and Musician in the selection of songs that are appropriate for the group.
The qualifications of the Assistant Musicians shall be to have some knowledge of gospel music as it pertains to his instrument. He must be willing to devote at least one hour of his time in rehearsal with the group.
The qualifications of the Assistant Director shall be to have knowledge and skill of directing gospel music. The Associate Director shall demonstrate some level of competency related to directing gospel music. He must be willing to devote at least one hour of his time in rehearsal with the group.
The Associate Musician shall attend all regular meetings and be prepared to practice with the group at each rehearsal.
The Associate Director shall attend all regular meetings and be prepared to practice with the group at each rehearsal. He shall be a member or ex-officer member of the group.
To open a regular meeting at least 3 officers and one third of the membership must be present. To pass a motion, two thirds of the total number of votes cast shall be required.
Vacancies shall be filled by a nomination from the Executive Board requiring a two-thirds majority of the membership of the group.
Written reports shall be submitted by all committees to the Secretary for his records.
Dues are GH₡5.00 per month for each member of the group. Members who have not paid their dues by the announced deadline will not be allowed to participate in group functions. Those members who present a valid excuse to the Treasurer before the deadline shall be exempted form the above. For those who cannot pay their dues by the announced deadline, Membership shall expire at the end of the year.
The group shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order
A by-law may be amended by the Executive Board and confirmed by the group by a two-third majority of the total number of votes cast.
The regular meetings and rehearsal of the group shall be twice a week from 3:00pm to 5:00pm
If member must be absent from rehearsal they must contact another member preferably an officer
If any member is absent from any mandatory rehearsals unexcused, they will not perform at a next program
If a member misses three consecutive rehearsals, the officer of the group will discuss his or her membership
Attendance will be taken at every rehearsals and group members will be notified about their absence
If a member shows tardiness, disorderly conduct during a meeting or rehearsals, the president will notify him or h
er and the officials will discuss their conduct
A warning
B maximum fine
C dismissal from the group
Uniforms shall be worn to all engagements unless otherwise stated. Members who do no have their uniform by the announced deadline will not be allowed to participate in group programs.
The Secretary and President must approve all publications, shirts, flyers, etc. prior to duplication and distribution.
Our vision is to empower believers by inspiring them through worship and praises based on scriptural guidance, counsel and teachings.
To spread the message of the kingdom of God through music by creating music that reveals the character of God.
Bible studies
Holy living
Organizing worship programs at least two times in a year in schools and churches.
Organizing seminars in schools and churches to improve their music ministry unto the Lord
Organizing seminars on prayer to empower believers in schools and churches.
Contact 0243878217
P. O. Box 3
Thank you for your interest in worship and partnering with the SHALOM PRAISE Music ministry Team! This application is designed to give you a glimpse into our ministry and help us discover together how you might fit best into our team. God has blessed SHALOM PRAISE with a group of talented and passionate Musicians who love God and enjoy working together. If you are interested in partnering with us in the music ministry, take a look at the information here and prayerfully consider our expectations before submitting an application. It’s important to us that this partnership is a good fit for our current team and for you. Thank you for your consideration
About SHALOM PRAISE Music Ministry...
These missions drive the entire SHALOM PRAISE music ministry shares them; to spread the message of the kingdom of God through music by creating music that reveals the character of God. Also this three things are the backbone on which we survive on us a music ministry; to love God, to Love People and to Make Disciples. Within that context worship becomes much more than just praise music. It is our aim to worship as a lifestyle. As SHALOM PRAISE music ministry members, we choose to live intentional lives, investing both in God’s work and His people. As worship leaders we have the opportunity to glorify God and to invite others to do the same. The Apostle Paul modeled the passion of a worship leader for us when he said, “I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1, NIV)
This shared passion is what drives our actions and motivates us to maintain healthy relationships as teammates, to grow in excellence as musicians, to look for ways to buildup and encourage each other, to search for and participate in what the Holy Spirit is doing around us, to pray for our team and for our Church family.
So, that’s what we’re about. If you can sing and/or play an instrument and make the necessary commitments we would love to have you join the team.
Music Ministry Team Information
Currently, the SHALOM PRAISE music ministry team consists of vocalists and instrumentalists.
Music Ministry Team Expectations
The Music Team is a leadership position. All team members are representatives of Christ both on stage and off. Therefore, we look for participants who have a high personal integrity, a servant’s heart and a strong commitment to uphold the values of our music team. Being a team member is more than singing or playing an instrument. Here is a list of our expectations.
Team Members . . .
• Are committed to having a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
• Are committed to modeling worship on stage and off by honoring Jesus Christ in their
Speech, in their relationships, and with their lifestyle.
• Are committed to praying for the music ministry and team members.
• Are committed to having a servant’s heart that strives for excellence.
• Are committed to being flexible and having a “whatever it takes” attitude.
• Are committed to having a positive attitude towards all team members.
• Are committed to skill development and constructive criticism in an appropriate context.
• Are committed to attendance, preparedness and punctuality at all rehearsals including
Thursdays and Sundays evenings. They understand that they must attend practice
Before they can lead the group in programs.
Time Commitment
The time requirement for music team members is approximately 4 hours per week when they are
In the time requirements are Thursday evenings rehearsals (3:00 - 5:00 pm) and Sunday evenings (3:00 - 5:00 pm).
Cell phone 1. Email
Cell phone 2. Do you receive text messages at this number? YES NO
Birthday (Month/Day
Do you Facebook? YES NO if yes, how can we find you?
Do you What Sapp? YES NO if yes, how can we get you?
What do you feel are your main spiritual gifting’s? _____________________________________
Do you have any non-musical gifts or abilities? (Example: administration, organization, public speaking, etc...) _____________________________________
Are you a Christian? YES NO
Are you baptize? YES NO If yes, how? Water sprinkling water immersion
MINISTRY INTEREST: (Complete all that apply)
What is your skill level? Average Above Average Very Skilled
What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? __________________________________________
Who are your favorite artists? _____________________________________________________
Are you a teachable musician? YES NO
Have you ever played/sang in front of a live audience? YES NO
Do you have regular access to the internet? YES NO
Have you sang with a team before? YES NO
Do you know your vocal range? YES NO if yes Are you a:
Soprano Alto Tenor Baritone Bass
How long have you been singing? _____________________________________________
What instrument(s) do you play? _____________________________________________________
Have you played with a team before? YES NO
How long have you been playing music? ______________________________________________
Media &Technology
What areas of media and technology are you interested in serving? (Check any that apply)
Live Sound Media (PowerPoint, Pro Presenter, etc.) Lighting & Design
CD/DVD Duplication Camera Operator Video Switching Video Editing
Video & Sound Recording Other
N/B. The music ministry maintains a whasapp group where team members can check schedules, download songs, and programs ahead of us. Prepare for rehearsals on their own.
I have read and clearly understand the expectations to participate on the worship team. I can commit to these Guidelines and I am ready to be member of the group
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________
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