Bible Text: Luke 15:11-24
Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of your Word. Open thou the eyes of my understanding that I may see you clearly.
Teaching(Knowing the truth)
During my secondary school days, especially in my final year (SS3), I had a fight with my Dad. Not physically, because I wouldn't dare throw a punch at him or anything like that, but we had a serious quarrel. That day I was like, I've been so quiet all these while so I'm going to let him have it, and I did because I was angry.
I noticed that at some point, he became quiet and I was still giving it to him - at least that was how I felt, and after I was done, I went out. I remember that the house was so quiet that day as if no one was in but my siblings were around.
When I left, I realized that I shouldn't have. I felt so bad for talking to my father that way. I was so scared and I wondered, how would I go home? I was really scared that I was shaking literally. But that evening, I summoned courage and went home, and as I going, I was praying that shouldn't be home. But on getting to the house, lo, his car was inside - Daddy is home. I went in and I met with my siblings first and I asked where my Dad was so that I could sneak up to my room and my sister told me that he was in his room. But before I could go, my sister showed me the things my Dad bought for me that evening and asked them to give to me. Wow! That was the sandals I've been asking him to buy for me for so many years and he refused. That wasn't all, he also bought me this fine school bag that I really wanted. Seeing these things, I couldn't stand anymore. My legs became weak.
Now the challenge was, how do I go into his room to tell him how stupid I was and how deeply sorry I am for everything.
How do I relate this treatment he gave me to what I did to him?
Our passage today is a very familiar story - the Prodigal son who was raised by a very wealthy man in what I would call an estate or a kingdom. (I call it a kingdom because, the father's words were regarded as laws).
One day, the son decided that, "I want what's best for me, and I need to leave and make my own points".
Please permit me to point out a few things I saw as I starred at the text.
1. The Prodigal Son had Trust Issues. I'm sure you're wondering how? Why would you go to the bank and withdraw all your money without a plan to invest it? There's nothing wrong with withdrawing a little to spend but not all of it. The son probably thought to himself, that the way his elder brother is working so hard and tirelessly on their estate, that if their father dies, the whole estate and everything would be given to his elder brother and so, he wants his now.
Secondly, he took a critical look at his father and saw that he was growing old, and then he didn't trust that the father had made enough plans for him, so let him take his stuffs now and start planning for himself by himself.
He had a Boss Complex. He wasn't ready to be under, he wants to rule. He wants his name to be heard and because his father is still alive and he also had an elder brother, his name would remain in the shadows. And he never wanted that. That was why as soon as he had his own share of the father's estate, he took off to a FAR country.
Also on the boss complex, he was tired of regulations - people telling him what to do and what not to do. He wanted a sport car and a SUV and A Bugatti at the same time, but daddy was saying no.
Thirdly, he felt he's right, that he can do it on his own. That he doesn't need his father nor family because he has come of age and he's got this.
Lastly, although it wasn't mentioned, but I perceive that he was influenced by his friends - the enemies who came to him wearing the face of close and best friends with good intentions.
And finally, the young son took off. But after a while, he became broke. He lost his all to wild living. He started to work, to do the things he never did before in other to survive. But after a while, A prince became a servant and not just a servant, the servant of servants, serving pigs. But thank Jesus that he returned to himself.
And returning to his senses, he said: 'How many hired hands in my father's house have abundant bread, while I perish here in famine! I shall rise up and go to my father, and I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am not worthy to be called your son. Make me one of your hired hands.'
Luke 15:17-19. CPDV
Here's what struck me so hard
"He got right up and went home to his father. “When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’ “But the father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants, ‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a grain-fed heifer and roast it. We’re going to feast! We’re going to have a wonderful time! My son is here—given up for dead and now alive! Given up for lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time."
Luke 15: 20-24 MSG
How's that even possible?
Daddy have you forgotten what this boy did to you?
Have you forgotten what he cost you?
At least, hire him and test him for some time to see if he's really changed.
How did you not sent him to the elders of the Church for at least 6 months suspension to see if he's repentant of his sins?
Daddy, I think you're being emotional, this boy is a crook and a wicked thief. He only came back because he's broke, he would dupe you again. Daddy!
Is this even possible?
I'm sorry, I can't read this passage and not get emotional. Wow, what a father!
My Dad wasn't a Saint, he wasn't perfect, but that day amongst other days couldn't leave my heart. That was the day I promised to be a better father to my kids, so that when they ask me were I learnt that from I would say, I learnt that from by two fathers. My earthly father and from my heavenly father up there.
It doesn't matter how far you've wandered. It doesn't matter how much you've destroyed the resources given to you. It doesn't matter what you had, if only you would return.
The Church may have thrown you out. Your friends and family may have rejected you, but there's a love greater than all waiting for you.
The Bible said, while the son was still afar off, a long way, the father came running "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Romans 5:8 NIV
He is waiting for you. Now, yes now is your time. Don't keep him waiting.
Grace to You!
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